After months passed...
Akhirnya aku bisa menulis tentang award ini juga. Applause please haha...
Hai guys, jadi aku dapat award ini dari kak Ester ( my senior from 2011 batch ) sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu. Ohmaigat. Maaf baru bisa dijawab sekarang karena I'm a moody person and also I've got many tasks and tests this semester. So... yeah! I am a survival. Hahaha. I'm so excited so let's begin...
I think I will break rule number 3 and 5. So for anybody who found this award, take it! It's free...
Kak Ester wrote :
Those nominees are expected to answer these questions and post them on their blogs. This is not obligatory though, feel free to just skip if you don’t feel comfortable to elongate this award’s chain ^^ However, I chose those bloggers and you because I believe you guys are brilliant and I am sure you will have interesting answers for following questions:
1. Let’s start with something simple, what is the meaning of your name?
2. How do you describe your hometown or a town where you live now?
3. What is a thing that makes you smile in less than 24 hours?
4. What super power do you wish to have?
5. If you could communicate with animals or plants, what would you ask to them?
6. Mention 3 (three) songs you play in your mind recently.
7. What was your future goal(s) when you were a teenager?
8. Did you have imaginary friend? Do you still remember him/her?
9. Mention your 3 (three) favorite books. Why do you like them?
10. Have you ever felt inferior? If yes, how did you cope with that?
11. What languages do you want to learn and why?
1. Let’s start with something simple, what is the meaning of your name?
My name is Angelica Chrestella Famila. Yes! I know, it's a gorgeous name. I can't describe how much I love the name. Angelica means an angel and Chrestella means a nature with the desire to associate in friendship and understanding both socially and in the business world. My mom said, Angelica Chrestella itu artinya seorang malaikat yang murah hati. My parents expect me to have a kind heart like an angel and courage to help other people. Famila is just a family name. I'm from Chinese family and I have a family name and even a Chinese name. Wanna know my Chinese name? 范芳芳. Oh no! Can't help dude! Read it by yourself hahaha.
2. How do you describe your hometown or a town where you live now?
I come from Pontianak, West Borneo. Years ago when I came to Yogayakarta, some people still wonder is there any electricity there. I can't hold my laugh, for real. I'm not good at describing. So can I just PAP? (pretend to be kak Ester : Yes, it's okay.) Thanks. LOL.
My words to my lovely hometown : Oh dear! You're really growing now!
Another intermezzo challenge : Coba kalian search "Pontianak" terus click image. Kalo bisa search nya itu malam Jumat kliwon diatas jam 10 malam ya.
Sedikit nambah tentang kota yang aku tinggali sekarang, jogggjaakerrdahh.
For me, Jogja is no longer just a city, but Jogja is where my life begins. Why? Karena aku pertama kali tinggal sendiri tanpa orang tua ya di kota ini. Jogja mendidik aku untuk menjadi pribadi yang tangguh dan mandiri.
Dan ini awal cerita aku dan Jogja. Pengalaman gue dikota yang Istimewa
3. What is a thing that makes you smile in less than 24 hours?
Apa yaa? Did I smile today? Oh no! I think I haven't smile today. Then let's smile now!
4. What super power do you wish to have?
I want to be Max and her rewind things. Watch Life is Strange here!
5. If you could communicate with animals or plants, what would you ask to them?
Wanna hang out with me? I'll tell you about my story and you'll tell yours. Nobody can take our time. Haha
6. Mention 3 (three) songs you play in your mind recently.
1. Jatuh Hati
Ku terpikat pada tuturmu, aku tersihir jiwamuTerkagum pada pandangmu, caramu melihat duniaKuharap kau tahu bahwa ku terinspirasi hatimuKu tak harus memilikimu, tapi bolehkah ku selalu di dekatmu?
Ga baper kok ga baper. Cuma ya lagi seneng aja. Apalagi bagian terakhir, Ku tak harus memilikimu, tapi bolehkah ku selalu di dekatmu?
Alright njel, kalo ga baper itu apa namanya? Hahahahaa...
2. PSY - DADDY(feat. CL of 2NE1)
Hey Where did you get that body fromWhere did you get that body fromWhere did you get that body fromI got it from my DADDYI got it from my DADDYI got it got it
Okay, don't judge me! Hahaha. I don't know why I love this song so much. Asik aja gitu buat joget2 hayoooo hahaha...
3. Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi)
7. What was your future goal(s) when you were a teenager?
Dulu gue ternyata termasuk dalam golongan alay :( Terinfeksi sinetron choy.
Apa ya... I've got so many dreams as far as I can remember..
Apa ya...
Dulu aku pengen kuliah di jurusan DKV.
Dulu pengennya aku bakal married sama mantanku yang ke 2 (aduhhh hahahhaha)
Pengen kerja di TV national.
Super random banget maaaakkkk.
8. Did you have imaginary friend? Do you still remember him/her?
I love talking with my self until this second. Hayolohh. I remember her. Her name is Prima. Hayolooh. Hahahaha. Dia selalu marah kalau misalnya aku lagi kacau. Selalu ngomel2. Apalagi kalau aku lagi terbawa emosi, wah wah.
Dihh kamu ngomong apa njel? Kok Creepy. Oke skip aja ya. Nanti malah jadi horror award hahaha.
9. Mention your 3 (three) favorite books. Why do you like them?
The first one is...
Why I love this book? This book is given from me to me as my achievement gift (?)
Buku ini aku suka banget, karena dia itu ngasih banyak banget inspirasi buat aku. Dan ketika aku lagi kehilangan arah kadang aku suka baca kembali buku ini. Jadi buku ini kayak pengingat aku tentang mimpi-mimpi aku.
The second one is...
I love Chicken Soup series so much. I have many of them in my room. Banyak banget seri nya dan ga bakal bosen baca satu per satu. Jadi aku udah mulai baca beginiaan sejak smp. Dan ketagihan sampe sekarang. Aku punya satu dus gede isinya chicken soup semua. Hahaha I love reading, jadi buku buku, majalah, komik, novel, itu banyak banget di rumah. Sampe-sampe hampir mama loakin dan aku langsung demo " NO WAY!!!!!! DON'T TOUCH MY BABY! " Hahahaha. Okay, what I love from these books is the motivation. Jadi ini juga sama, buku-buku jenis motivasi gitu. Isinya cerita-cerita yang ngajarin kamu sesuatu, ga cuma tentang cinta-cinta aja.
The third is...
Agnes Jessica's work. Why? Karena ceritanya ringan (bagi aku) mudah diikuti dan bikin mewek. Well, jiwa alay aku masih ada kok. Masih. Jadi ini kadang jadi temen aku pas lagi ribut sama skripsi hahahha. Dan sebenernya banyak banget buku-buku lain yang udah aku baca cuma entah mengapa mendadak aku hilang ingatan. Saking banyaknya ngumpul jadi bingung mau nulis yang mana hahaha...
10. Have you ever felt inferior? If yes, how did you cope with that?
Yes. Dari sd - smp - sma - bahkan sekarang aku selalu aja ngerasainnya. Dan karena itu ceritanya panjang banget dan aku lagi males ceritainnya so ini mungkin bakal jadi salah satu bahan nulis aku dikemudian hari.
Gimana ya? Aku tipe orang yang pemikir. Overthinking. So that's why aku males banget cerita kecuali ada yang nanya. Dan itupun mesti ada bukti2 dulu. Kalo cuma asal nanya, bisa ketebak deh jawaban ku apa : GAPAPA.
As I told before, I am not good at describing or telling story.
Banyak banget orang-orang diluar sana yang ngerendahin aku. Kayaknya apa pun yang aku lakukan itu ada aja salahnya. Untungnya aku sih merasa aku masih manusia, which means aku emang ga sempurna. Setiap orang punya cela nya masing-masing kok.
How did I cope with that? Say this out loud : You are a diamond. They can't break you.
and the last question is
11. What languages do you want to learn and why?
Why? Cause I love it. Almost all of my mom family can speak Chinese very well. Some of them studied in China. Beberapa udah jadi guru mandarin malah. So aku termotivasi banget untuk bisa bahasa Mandarin.
Why? Simple. Someday I will live there. So I need to learn the language. (AMIN)
Why? I love korean drama so much. Dan tanpa subtitile aku hanyalah butiran debu. Annoying banget kalo mau ngambil sesuatu misalnya mesti di pause dulu soalnya kalau terus jalan mah kagak ngerti si oppa ngomong apa haahaa. Kan enak kalo ngerti bahasa korea, si oppa ngomong apa ya lanjut wae...
Sementara sih itu dulu.. prioritasnya ya itu sih hahaha.
kelar juga. Thank you so much kak for the questions. Beberapa bikin aku pusing jawabnya hahahaha. Maap selagi liburan otak rada lemot. Kerjaannya cuma makan tidur nonton dan seterusnya. Ga layak banget dicontoh.
And it's time for me to give you the questions....
1. Have you ever feel love at the first sight? Tell me how can it happens...
2. If you get 1 billion rupiahs to spend in one day, what things will you buy?
3. What do you think about girls who lost their virginity before marriage?
4. If human can live in other planets in our lovely Bima Sakti, which planet will you live in?
5. What the happiest moment you spent with your friend?
6. What kind of person that you like to marry to?
7. Have you watched or read Divergent series? If yes, which fraction will you choose?
8. What religion means to you?
9. If you can kill someone in the world ( I know killing is wrong, but I just wondering hahaha...), who will you kill?
10. Do you find your self attractive?
11. (Gue mikirnya lama banget buat pertanyaan terakhir ini hahaha) Sing me a song.
Oh ya kalau misalnya ga bisa di copy paste, di screenshot aja ya haha
Now you know how weird I am.
Brave enough to answer my challenge? Let me know! You can post it to your social media accounts... Can't wait to read yoow!
Hi Angel! Thank you for accepting award and challenge from me :D Wuiiihh, kamu masih ingat sama imaginary friend-mu, yaa... Hebat! Masih temenan ga kira2 sampe sekarang?
ReplyDeleteAngel. miss you :*
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